Lecture on "Testing the cleanliness of medical devices"


A lecture from the Open Campus medical technology series at the Tuttlingen campus of HFU - Furtwangen University.

Laboratory managers Dr. Oliver Podlech and Dr. Alexander Klaiber from CleanControlling's biology and chemistry laboratories gave a lecture on the topic of the cleanliness of medical devices at the Tuttlingen University campus on Tuesday evening, May 7. The focus here was on the test methods for assessing the biological and chemical cleanliness and safety of medical devices as part of the assessment of biocompatibility and the validation and monitoring of product cleanliness. The importance of product cleanliness in medical applications was also highlighted at the beginning. 

Europeans owe their current standard of living not least to developments in medical technology. Current techniques and devices enable routine interventions and surgical methods that seemed unthinkable just a few decades or even years ago. "However, every medical procedure involves risks, including the introduction of foreign substances into the body," explain Alexander Klaiber and Oliver Podlech. These include, for example, germs as well as the smallest filmic chemical residues that can arise during product manufacture. "For this reason, the topic of 'cleanliness' is particularly important for medical devices," say the two speakers. They deal with cleanliness standards and tests on a daily basis. Test specimens such as scalpels, endoscopes and implants are examined for biological and chemical contamination. These tests and their relevance were presented in the lecture.


Dr. Oliver Podlech - Laboratory Manager Biology / CleanControlling Medical GmbH & Co. KG

Dr. Alexander Klaiber - Laborleiter Chemie / CleanControlling Medical GmbH & Co. KG

Dr. Alexander Klaiber - Laboratory Manager Chemistry / CleanControlling Medical GmbH & Co. KG